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First OPCC ADAPYR Coordination Committee

  • 08 May

On the 20th March 2020, took place the first meeting, in a virtual format in this case, of the partners Coordination Committee that marks the beginning of the OPCC ADAPYR Project. Despite the organisation problems caused by the alarm state of Covid-19 in Europe, an important number of persons (20) representing the partners entities have participated.

The subjects treated have stressed the guarantee of the solid project beginning, especially highlighting two aspects:  the project financial-administrative management system and the basic norms of operation; and the organization of the internal work in order to guarantee the connexion, coordination, and cooperation between the partners entities.

With that purpose, the main conclusions of the POCTEFA Seminar have been shared with the beneficiary entities of the third call for projects (12/03/2020) and doubts have been cleared up thanks to the participation of the Joint Secretariat. An important work has been done in relation with the Actions n°3 of Observation and n°4 of Capitalization; also on the identification of priority actions. Furthermore, a work has started on the next ADAPYR Launching Seminar planned on June.

This first meeting led to the establishment of 14 operational conclusions that will mark and activate the implementation of these coming months.


Avenida Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, 8
22.700 - Jaca
Huesca - España

+34 974 36 31 00
